If You Were Here |
by Natalie84 |
I often dream
How would it be
If you were here
Right next to me
If by your side
What would I say
And would you join in
With the games I'd play
What would you know
That I could learn
Would you be the one
That I so badly yearn
If you were here
Could I hold you close
Laugh and giggle
As I stole your nose
Would life be different
If you were here
Would family loyalty
Be more sincere
When the others left
Would you have stayed
Or would you have followed
Their unloyal ways
So many nights
I've dreamt of you
These dreams of mine
Are what push me through
Unanswerable questions
That fill my mind
Keep me alive
As I strive to find
Now you Grandpa
Reisde in heaven
I'll be there one day
To ask every question
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