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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > I Love You > Angels Sing

Angels Sing
by John
I long for all the words to say
My love for you will never stray
I follow paths that Angels lay
I need to get to you some way

I see you in my dreams at night
I feel you when I close my eyes
your love it flows within my veins
your memories etched within my brain

no matter if your near or far
you are my Life, my one desire
I hear their cries from up above
The Angels Neal for You my Love

The birds they sing All creatures bow
for you alone the world revolves
as sure as lightning splits the sky
the Angels smile for you on high

I've never known a more precious love
your hearts as pure as snow white doves
your touch it makes the flowers grow,
your breath it sends them to and fro

And from the valleys deep bellow
onto the mountain tops they go
those Angels with their songs to sing
for you their praises loud they ring

You are my Life, You are my soul
You are the one who makes me whole
My love my passion rests with you
you make each day I wake brand new

I'll cherish you until the end
My love for you will never bend
and if that day should ever come
You'll know my love you were the one

And as I pass thru heavens gates
I too will sing those Angels Praise
and if you look I know you'll see
the loudest one, it will be me

Now one last thing before I go
Colleen theres something you should know
I've Loved you since the start of time
And one day soon, You will be mine!

I Love You With All My Heart

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