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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > I love you...

I love you...
by Jonker
I was in love with u the day i looked in ur eyes and completely melted...
I love u more today then yesterday but not as much as tomorrow...
I just want to burst in tears because Im so happy I have u...
I love u more than life itself but no matter how much u love me I will always love u more, U are the one that makes me whole...
Why cant I breathe whenever I think about u?
Why cant I speak whenever I talk about you?
I wish I could be with u every second of the day, In your arms is where I want to be, its where I want to stay.
The way I feel about u I just cant explain it, Its the way my heart beats when I hear ur name, I cant imagine my life without you, my life was empty before I met u but now that I have you I never want to let u go.
I love you with all my heart and I will never stop loving you, cuz of you I no longer feel empty, cuz of you I smile more than once a day, cuz of u I enjoy each minute of every day, cuz of you I look forward to tomorrow coming.
I truly do not know where I would be without you, u make an ordinary moment seem magical; no one else in this world can I love like I love you, you deserve the best you deserve the world. I wish I could give you those things but knowing I cant hurts me so much, cuz everything about you is so perfect...
I'd walk a thousand miles so I could see you when Im not with you, I lose my mind, you are the most important thing in the world to me...
"I love you" those three words have my life in them, when I look at you, my heart skips a beat, inside your eyes they sweep me off my feet. sitting in ur arms I never want to leave when your body is next to mine there's a sort of comfort I receive every time I see you every time you look at me every time you speak it makes my body weak.
I really wish I could explain to you..
My love, I don't know maybe Im just weird and all but I just wanted to take some time to really tell you how much I love you even though it's impossible to tell you how much I love you because I love you so much no words could ever express my feelings for you. you're the first thing I think of each morning when I wake you're the last thing I think of each night when I close my eyes you're in every thought I have and every breath I take.
My feelings are growing stronger with every move I make, Im jealous of every guy that has hugged you because for that one minute he was holding my everything, there aren't enough hours in each passing day to find all the words I wish I could say you're the reason I breathe no matter what you say no matter what you do nothing can ever change the way I feel and think about you every day that goes by it seems I discover something new about you to love, it's incredible to me how one person can make such a big difference in my life.
You touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reasons to love you.
I would give anything just to be with you even if just for a second because just to see your face and hold you would be the best second of my life but there's not much to ask from you because Ive already got everything Ive ever wanted and that's you... every part of me is so in love with you, some people wait a lifetime some people search for ever for that one special person and as for me the search is over because I found you.
I would swim the largest ocean, climb the highest mountain, withstand the strongest storm just to feel your love... people always ask me "why do you love her?" but I never explain because they would fall in love too!
You're my eyes to see, my heart to beat and my air to breathe, without you there's no me, the way you make me feel when you put your hand in mine it proves the feelings real.
I could tell you I loved you a million times and still I would feel the urge to say it again. I could write you a letter (such as this one) full of words that says how much you mean to me but you deserve more. my love for you is too great to be downsized by a couple of words. seasons will change that much is true but some things will never change.... like the way I feel about you. I live to be with you to hold your hand to see your smile you're all that makes life worth while, since Ive been with you Ive looked forward to each sunrise the early morning, when Im in your arms the midnight skies with
us beneath a billion stars. so, all of this may mean nothing to you and I could be going too far but you are all that truly matters to me, you are my life and I feel I could conquer the world with one hand as long as you were holding my other one...

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