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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Love and Friendship > Do you believe?

Do you believe?
by Nicola
Do you believe in angels?
Who walk upon this earth
Are they here to guide us?
And show what life is worth

Are they just here to love us?
And teach us right from wrong
Is there more to heaven?s beings
For on earth do they belong?

They are sent to us when needed
To help us through our pain
To make our lives worth living
To be our sunshine through the rain

Some believe whilst others don?t
The question I ask is do you?
I can say I definitely believe
That angels on earth are true

They may not have shining halos
Nor fly with silk white wings
But I have my guardian angel
It?s the hope that believing brings

It?s not in the form of the living
But the strength that's to given me
To help me through as life goes on
Without my angel I could not be

It's my hope, my love and strength
That will never leave my side
I believe in my guardian angel
My best friend, my angelic guide

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