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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Lasting Love > We Will Never Be Apart

We Will Never Be Apart
by Daze
The feelings that i see when i look at you
The whole scene a dream, too good to be true
The smiles you share, the laughter and joy
So many things at once i want to enjoy
The things you say that make me smile
All makes my lonely days worthwhile
For the days when i finally see your face
The moments we make that can never be replaced
Forever, is the time that i want to be with you
Never letting go, and i know this is true
Don't have no doubts, just visions of you and me
Never leaving you is one thing i can guarantee
For the rest of my life, I'll be by your side
Showing you all my love, not having to hide
If there were enough words to express how i feel
I would search the world and find them to make it clear
But love, i know that there just aren't enough words to say
So with actions, small gestures, loving touches, I'll portray
Just exactly how much you mean to me
Till my very last words, my very last breath you'll see
That you are the only one in the world for me
I cherish you with all my life
Just waiting till the day i may be your wife
And the road won't be easy, no, it'll seem like we won't make it threw
But there's nothing in the world i wouldn't do for you
I'm not afraid of the things i may face
Knowing that you'll be by my side is all it takes
For me to the have courage, the strength to stand up and fight
For my love, my life, the one that makes my flame ignite
The smallest things you do
Just makes me really love and adore you
And its the small details I'll carry for the rest of my days
The things that make life so much sweeter in so many ways
I love you so much, i don't think i can tell you enough
Expressing my feelings is so much easier, its not as tough
I'm so happy that one day I'll be by your side
Building our lives together, being happy, living our lives
With no more hurt, no more pain, no more negative feelings
Because where there is all that there is also healing
And I'll heal your cuts, your bruises, and I'll make the pain go away
But cuts leave scars, that may last day after day
But I'm going to do my best, to make you see what i see
I want you to live threw my eyes, and be me
I want to you to see much i love you,
That life is nothing without you
That you are my heart, my world, my everything
The greatest gift that life could bring
I love you so much and i will never hurt you again
I'll take the sadness, the doubts, the thoughts of being lonely and the pain
Throwing them into to the deep ocean so that we'll never see them again
Just loving memories, deep feelings and unconditional love will remain
But until that day comes, all i can do is be patient, love you the way I should
All I want is just to live my life, be happy, love, be loved, and all this with you
I love you Junior, will all my heart
I know never in my life, will we ever be apart

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